Do you know what “social capital” is?
On this episode, we talk with Rob Phelan, a serial entrepreneur, author, and teacher. He’s founder of “The Simple Startup” to teach 10-18 year olds about entrepenuership, and he’s also the author of the new book M is for Money.
Rob shares with us that social capital— helping others and being there for your friends and colleagues, without expecting anything in return—is a great quality to cultivate.
We also talk about money in relationships, what it’s like to be a high school personal finance teacher, and more.
Mentioned in this episode:
Rob’s newest book: M is for Money
The Simple Startup: online entrepreneurship guidance for kids
Rob Phelan on Twitter
The Richest Man in Babylon — 1920s classic about personal finance
YNAB — popular budgeting software (affiliate link). Did you know that college students get their first year of YNAB free?
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